Advanced Content and Social Tactics to Optimize SEO

Eric Chuar has successfully completed Advanced Content and Social Tactics to Optimize SEO Certified Course Certificate from the University of California, Davis

University of California, Davis


6 Months

Advanced Content and Social Tactics to Optimize SEO Certified

Optimize SEO Skills Gained

Use content marketing campaigns to drive higher SEO rankings

Create influencer relationships and collaborations

Build relationships with influencers to help build your

Analyze data to see which content gets the most shares

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the “Advanced Content and Social Tactics to Optimize SEO” course, and it’s safe to say it was a game-changer. Given my background in digital marketing and programming, I knew this was going to be up my alley, but man, it exceeded expectations.

I’m the type to get my hands dirty before jumping into any formal learning. Call it a weird habit, but I love to understand the nuts and bolts first. So, when I took this course, it was like putting on a pair of glasses that made everything sharper.

We talked about content marketing campaigns driving higher SEO rankings. It’s not just about churning out articles or social media posts. It’s about strategic planning and execution. You need to know what content works, how to optimize it, and how to get it in front of the right eyes.

One aspect that really piqued my interest was influencer relationships and collaborations. This goes beyond just sending free stuff to influencers and hoping they’ll talk about you. It’s about forming meaningful relationships. That’s where the real magic happens.

And speaking of relationships, the course covered how to leverage influencer networks to boost your own brand. It’s not just about you or them; it’s about what you can do together. That’s what resonated with me the most, especially given that I always aim to share my knowledge rather than hoarding it.

The analytics section? Priceless. Knowing which content gets the most shares or interaction can be a roadmap for future campaigns. It’s data-driven decision-making at its finest.

I’ve spent a good chunk of my life in Malaysia and Singapore, and I’ve seen firsthand how different strategies work in different cultural contexts. This course gave me tools that I can apply universally, and you bet I’m going to share this newfound knowledge far and wide. I’ve got a family to think about, and helping people is what drives me. Life’s too short to focus only on the paycheck.

So, what’s next? I’ll take these advanced SEO and content strategies and integrate them into my digital marketing efforts. And who knows, maybe even sprinkle some of this wisdom into my other interests, like badminton coaching or wine appreciation. After all, learning never stops, and neither should sharing.