Assess for Success Marketing Analytics and Measurement

Eric Chuar has successfully completed Assess for Success Marketing Analytics and Measurement for Personal & Professional Productivity Course Certificate from the Google Career Certificates.

Google Career Certificates


6 Months

Assess for Success Marketing Analytics and Measurement-page

Marketing Analytics Skills Gained

Define media planning and strategies

Evaluate metrics against performance goals and make adjustments to a marketing budget or strategy

Describe what defines a successful marketing campaign

Create presentations and reports to update stakeholders on the progress or success of a marketing campaign and important insights

Course Perspective

Just finished the ‘Assess for Success Marketing Analytics and Measurement’ course, and wow, it’s like someone turned on a light in a room I thought I already knew well. I’ve been in digital marketing and programming for a good while, but this course took it to another level.

Firstly, the media planning and strategies part was pure gold. It’s not just about throwing money at advertising; it’s about planning your moves like a chess game. You have to see several steps ahead and understand how each piece (or in this case, marketing channel) moves and contributes to the overall goal.

The bit about evaluating metrics against performance goals was a reality check. I mean, we all know metrics are important, but the course shows you how to really dig into them to make real-time adjustments. Whether it’s tweaking your marketing budget or pivoting your entire strategy, you learn how to make data-driven decisions.

Now, defining a successful marketing campaign was something I thought I knew. But this course laid down some markers that made me rethink. It’s not just about high click-through rates or tons of likes; it’s about meaningful engagement that leads to actual business goals.

The course also gets you into the habit of creating solid presentations and reports. That’s crucial, not just for stakeholders but also for your team. It helps everyone stay on the same page and allows for more effective decision-making.

Being in Malaysia and Singapore for years, I see so much potential for implementing these new skills. I’ve always been about sharing what I know, and this course has given me even more to share. It’s not about the money; it’s about helping people. I’ve got a family, and I’d rather use my time to spread knowledge than make a few extra bucks.

So, what’s next? Well, the course might be over, but the learning never stops. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and put these new insights into action. And you can bet I’ll be sharing all of this with anyone willing to listen. Knowledge is power, but only if you use it.