Google SEO Capstone Project

Eric Chuar has completed the Google SEO Capstone Project for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of California, Davis.

University of California, Davis


6 Months

Google SEO Capstone Project

Google SEO Skills Gained

Create an SEO Pitch

Analyze and create a keyword map

Prepare and perform a competitive analysis

Create a final report of your findings and recommendations for SEO and present your recommendations to your client

Course Perspective

Attending the Google SEO Capstone Project was an interesting experience for me. You see, I’ve always had this habit of diving deep into the subject matter before even stepping into a certification course. To me, certifications are a bit overrated—just pieces of paper that educational institutions use to make money. I prefer to get hands-on experience, mastering the skills before going for any formal recognition.

Don’t get me wrong, certifications have their place. They make you look good on paper, especially to those who aren’t experts in the field. But as someone whose main gig is digital marketing and programming, I know what really counts is your skill set, not a piece of paper. That’s why I was curious about this particular course; it’s so specialized that not many people get it, which makes it all the more intriguing for me.

I’ve been living in Malaysia and Singapore for years, and I love these places. I’m not just here to make money; I genuinely want to help people. Whether it’s digital marketing, programming, or even badminton coaching and red wine recommendations, I’m all about sharing knowledge. Life is too short to keep what you know to yourself. Now that I have a family and a cute kid, I find it even more important to help others.

The course covered some key areas that I find crucial for anyone in the SEO or digital marketing field:

  1. Technical Understanding of Google SEO: We delved into how Google’s algorithms work, how to optimize a website for search, and how to ensure that the content ranks well. This is the nitty-gritty stuff that makes or breaks your online presence.
  2. Creating an SEO Pitch: The course taught us how to effectively communicate the value of SEO to potential clients or stakeholders. This is vital for me, especially since I like to share my knowledge and need to articulate complex ideas in a way that’s easy to understand.
  3. Competitive Analysis: We learned how to analyze what the competition is doing right and wrong, and how to leverage this information to create a more effective SEO strategy.
  4. Keyword Mapping: This involved understanding how to select the right keywords, how to map them to the correct pages, and how to track their performance. This is SEO bread and butter.
  5. Final Report and Recommendations: At the end of the course, we had to prepare a comprehensive report detailing our findings and recommendations. This not only tested our technical skills but also our ability to communicate complex ideas in a simple, understandable manner.

All in all, the Google SEO Capstone Project was a great learning experience. It was not just about acquiring knowledge but also about learning how to share that knowledge, which aligns perfectly with my personal goals. I’m looking forward to using what I’ve learned to help more people, especially in the fields that I’m passionate about.