Introduction to Marketing

Eric Chuar has completed the Introduction to Marketing for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of Pennsylvania.

University of Pennsylvania


6 Months

Introduction to Marketing

Marketing Skills Gained

Marketing Strategy and Brand Positioning

Increasingly responsive to customer behaviors, it is imperative to focus on the right customers for strategic advantages.

Critical marketing topic, “Go to Market Strategies.” Professor Jagmohan Raju has designed these lectures to help gain a deep understanding of the role of communications in marketing strategy, fundamentals of pricing, and how to manage channel conflicts.

Branding Modules, covering effective brand communications strategies and repositioning strategies.

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the Introduction to Marketing course, and I’ve got to say, it’s given me a ton to think about. Now, don’t get me wrong—I’ve been around the block in digital marketing and programming, but there’s always something new to pick up, right?

Marketing Strategy and Brand Positioning: The course made it clear that you’ve got to know who your customers are and what they want. It’s not just about throwing stuff out there and hoping it sticks. You’ve got to target the right people to really make a difference. This isn’t just textbook talk; it’s critical for anyone serious about marketing, especially in digital spaces.

Go to Market Strategies: Professor Raju nailed it with this topic. I mean, knowing how to communicate your brand and product effectively is like Marketing 101, but he took it to another level. We went deep into how to set the right prices and even how to avoid channel conflicts. It’s the kind of stuff that turns good marketers into great ones.

Branding Modules: This part was my jam! We dug into how to communicate a brand effectively and how to pivot if things aren’t going your way. It’s like learning the language of your audience and speaking it fluently.

Why did I take this course? I know I usually get hands-on with stuff before diving into courses, but this one was too good to pass up. Plus, marketing is my bread and butter, and any extra insight is gold.

You know, I’ve been in Malaysia and Singapore for ages, and I absolutely love it here. My goal is to share as much free knowledge as I can. I’ve got a family and a super cute kid, so for me, it’s all about giving back and helping others grow. This course is another tool in my belt for doing just that. I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned and help others in their marketing journeys. Life’s short; let’s make the most of it by helping each other out.