Introduction to Programming with MATLAB

Eric Chuar has completed the Introduction to Programming with MATLAB for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from Vanderbilt University.

Vanderbilt University


6 Months

Introduction to Programming with MATLAB

MATLAB Skills Gained

You will learn fundamental computer programming concepts such as variables, control structures, functions and many others.

You will learn the powerful support MATLAb provides for working with matrices.

You will learn about various data types and how to handle them in MATLAB.

You will learn about file input/output.

Course Perspective

Just finished the Introduction to Programming with MATLAB course, and man, it’s been a ride. Sure, I’ve had my hands in digital marketing and programming for a while, but you never really stop learning in this field, do you?

Fundamental Programming Concepts: This course was a straight shooter, no fluff. It broke down the basics like variables, control structures, and functions. Even if you’re not a beginner, revisiting these building blocks can give you a fresh perspective.

MATLAB’s Matrix Magic: Now, the real game-changer here is MATLAB’s prowess with matrices. This isn’t your average Joe spreadsheet; it’s like Excel on steroids. It’s a tool I can see myself using for data manipulation and analysis down the road.

Data Types in MATLAB: Knowing how to handle different data types is key, especially when you’re juggling various projects. The course did a solid job explaining this. It’s not just about crunching numbers; it’s about managing data efficiently.

File I/O: This might sound basic, but the file input/output part of the course was a good refresher. Whether you’re saving data or reading it, knowing how to do it efficiently can save you a lot of headaches.

Why MATLAB, you might ask? Well, it’s another arrow in my quiver, especially when it comes to data analysis, which is super important in my line of work. And as someone who’s been in Malaysia and Singapore for a long time, I know how much people here value skills like this.

But it’s not just about me. I’ve got a family, and a little one who’s the apple of my eye. I want to pass on as much free knowledge as I can, whether it’s in digital marketing, programming, or even random stuff like badminton coaching. Because at the end of the day, life’s too short to keep everything you know to yourself. So, I’m pretty pumped to take what I’ve learned and share it with others. On to the next one!