Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Eric Chuar has completed the Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from IBM.



6 Months

Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Web Development Skills Gained

Describe the Web Application Development Ecosystem and terminology like front-end developer, back-end, server-side, and full stack.

Create and structure basic web pages using HTML and style them with CSS.

Identify the developer tools and integrated development environments (IDEs) used by web developers.

Develop dynamic web pages with interactive features using JavaScript.

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the Introduction to Web Development course, and it was a wild ride. Now, I’m no stranger to the digital realm, but diving back into the nitty-gritty of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript was a refreshing experience.

Web Application Development Ecosystem: The course kicked off by setting the stage, breaking down the web development ecosystem. It helped clarify terms like front-end, back-end, server-side, and full-stack, which is great for anyone who needs to get their terminology straight.

Developer Tools and IDEs: They didn’t skimp on the tools of the trade either. We got to explore different IDEs and developer tools, essential for any web dev work. Knowing your tools can make or break your workflow, and this part nailed it.

HTML and CSS: Then came the bread and butter of web development—HTML and CSS. It’s one thing to know them, another to master them. The course helped structure basic web pages and style them, and that’s a skill I can always refine.

JavaScript Magic: But what’s a static page without some pizzazz, right? That’s where JavaScript comes in. Learning how to make web pages interactive was the highlight for me. It’s the small things, like button clicks and form submissions, that make a user’s experience memorable.

Why did I take this course, considering I’ve been in digital marketing and programming for a while? Well, in this line of work, you can’t afford to get complacent. Plus, as someone who has spent years in Malaysia and Singapore, I see how web development skills are in high demand.

I’ve got a family and a kid who’s my world. I want to arm myself with as much knowledge as possible, not just to stay ahead in my career, but to share what I know with others. Whether it’s digital marketing, programming, or even more unique skills like badminton coaching, sharing knowledge is what it’s all about for me. And hey, life’s too short to not learn something new, right? So, can’t wait to use what I’ve learned and help others along the way.