Managing Talent

Eric Chuar has completed the Managing Talent for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of Michigan.

University of Michigan


6 Months

Managing Talent

Managing Talent Skills Gained

Learn best practices for selecting, recruiting, and onboarding talent.

Understand the cycle of managing talent and creating a robust talent pipeline.

Learn key approaches to measuring performance and evaluating your employees.

Develop the individual and engage them continuously. Able to create a talent development plan and begin its execution.

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the “Managing Talent” course and let me tell you, it was a ride worth taking. Now, I’m no stranger to diving deep before stepping into formal learning. I like to get a feel for the landscape, test the waters, you know? So I was already stoked to get into this course and see what it could add to my toolkit.

Selecting, Recruiting, and Onboarding: The course kicked off with the nuts and bolts of talent acquisition. We went over how to pick the right people for your team and how to bring them onboard smoothly. I was already aware of some of these strategies, but the course gave me a structured way of thinking about it.

Managing Talent Cycle: This was the meaty part. The course delved into the ongoing cycle of talent management, from nurturing to promotions to, unfortunately, exits. It’s a full-circle view that I found extremely useful, especially in keeping the talent pipeline robust.

Performance Metrics: Ah, numbers. Love ’em or hate ’em, they matter. This section taught me new ways to measure employee performance that go beyond the usual KPIs. It’s all about aligning individual goals with organizational objectives.

Talent Development: This was the cherry on top. Not only do you find and bring in talent, but you also have to keep them growing. The course provided concrete steps for creating a talent development plan, something I’m eager to implement.

Honestly, this stuff isn’t just textbook knowledge. I see it as a real asset for my career in digital marketing and programming. And given that I’m all about sharing what I know, I can’t wait to pass on these insights, especially to my peeps in Malaysia and Singapore. You see, it’s not just about making a quick buck; it’s about giving people what they really need.

I’ve got a family, a little one to look after, and a lifetime of experiences I want to share. I don’t see knowledge as something to hoard; I see it as something to give freely. So if you’re interested in what I’ve got to say, stay tuned. I’m just getting started.