Prepare Data for Exploration

Eric Chuar has completed the Prepare Data for Exploration for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from Google.



6 Months

Prepare Data for Exploration

Prepare Data for Exploration Skills Gained

Explain factors to consider when making decisions about data collection

Describe databases with references to their functions and components

Discuss the difference between biased and unbiased data

Describe best practices for organizing data

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the “Prepare Data for Exploration” course, and honestly, it was eye-opening. Yeah, yeah, I know—most people see certificates as just a piece of paper, and honestly, I used to think the same way. But this course? It’s not just about getting that shiny certificate; it’s about the skills and knowledge you gain.

Decisions on Data Collection: One of the first things we tackled was the factors to consider during data collection. It’s not just about collecting any data but the RIGHT data. I’ve always been a details guy, so diving into these aspects was right up my alley.

Databases and Their Components: This part was pretty neat. We went into databases—what they do, how they’re structured, you name it. Knowing this stuff is essential, especially in my line of work in digital marketing and programming.

Biased vs. Unbiased Data: This was a biggie. The course talked about the pitfalls of biased data and how it can skew results. We looked at the importance of unbiased data for getting accurate insights. This is something I can see myself using day in, day out, especially when making data-driven decisions.

Organizing Data: Last but definitely not least, we covered how to keep our data neat and tidy. You’d be surprised how many people overlook this and end up in a mess of incomprehensible numbers and figures.

Now, what’s the point of learning all this if I don’t share it, right? Whether it’s in Malaysia, Singapore, or anywhere else, I’m all about spreading the knowledge. Got a family and a kiddo at home, so time’s precious. The faster we all learn, the faster we can make the world a better place, especially in fields like digital marketing and programming.

So, if you’re interested in diving deep into data and how to make the most of it, keep an eye out. I’ve got a lot to share, and I’m just getting started.