Python Classes and Inheritance

Eric Chuar has completed the Python Classes and Inheritance for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of Michigan.

University of Michigan


6 Months

Python Classes and Inheritance

Python Classes Skills Gained

Learned how to process json formatted data, traverse nested data using nested iteration, and extract values from nested data.

Explore classes, instances, and inheritance to represent data efficiently.

Learn to override built-in methods and create inherited classes that reuse functionality.

Gain insights into class design and cultivate the practice of writing automated tests for your code.

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the “Python Classes and Inheritance” course and, man, it’s like stepping into a whole new realm. Look, I’ve always had this habit of diving into the deep end before even thinking about getting certified. To me, certificates are just fancy pieces of paper. It’s the hands-on experience that counts, right?

JSON and Nested Data: The course started off with JSON-formatted data. Parsing through nested data using nested iteration was a real brain teaser, but it opened my eyes to the possibilities. I mean, in digital marketing, data is king, and now I feel like I’ve got a new crown.

Classes and Instances: This part got me hooked. Learning about classes and instances is like learning a secret language. It’s all about representing data efficiently, and boy, do I see the applications for this in my marketing campaigns.

Inheritance and Overriding Methods: We then moved on to inheritance and how to override built-in methods. It’s like taking something that’s already good and making it better, more tailored to your needs. Reusing functionality is not just smart; it’s efficient.

Class Design and Testing: The last part of the course was really the cherry on top. Learning about class design and automated tests adds that extra layer of professionalism to the work. And given that I’m getting older, cultivating good practices now will pay off in the long run.

So, what’s the game plan? Well, sharing is caring. Whether it’s my main hustle in digital marketing or my side gigs in programming, badminton coaching, or even red wine appreciation, I’m all about spreading knowledge. I’ve got roots in Malaysia and Singapore, and I’ve been here for years. With a family to look after and time ticking away, my main goal is to help as many people as I can. Knowledge shouldn’t be a business; it should be a gift. Let’s make the most of it!