Python for Data Science AI & Development

Eric Chuar has completed the Python for Data Science AI & Development for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from IBM.



6 Months

Python for Data Science AI _ Development

Python Skills Gained

Describe Python Basics including Data Types, Expressions, Variables, and Data Structures.

Demonstrate proficiency in using Python libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, and Beautiful Soup.

Apply Python programming logic using Branching, Loops, Functions, Objects & Classes.

Access web data using APIs and web scraping from Python in Jupyter Notebooks.

Course Perspective

Just finished the “Python for Data Science, AI & Development” course, and let me tell you, it’s like a goldmine of information. Certificates? Nah, those are just bragging rights on paper. It’s all about the experience, and this course gave me plenty.

Python Basics: Kicked off with the fundamentals—data types, expressions, variables, and data structures. Knowing these is like knowing the ABCs; you can’t spell without ’em. In the digital marketing world, understanding data is crucial, and this course laid the groundwork.

Libraries – Pandas, Numpy, Beautiful Soup: Then came the libraries. Pandas for data manipulation, Numpy for numerical computations, and Beautiful Soup for web scraping. This is where the magic happens, especially for someone in digital marketing like me. The ability to manipulate and analyze data? That’s marketing gold.

Programming Logic: We dove into the guts of Python programming with branching, loops, functions, objects, and classes. This stuff lets you automate processes and build programs that can make life a lot easier. If you’re in digital marketing, this is how you get to the next level.

Web Data & APIs: Last but not least, we got into web scraping and APIs. Being able to pull data directly from the web into Jupyter Notebooks? That’s a game-changer. I can see so many applications for this, from understanding customer behavior to tracking online campaigns.

Now, what’s the plan? Share the knowledge, obviously. I’m not in this just for the money; I want to help people. Whether it’s digital marketing, programming, or even badminton coaching, my goal is to share what I know. Time’s ticking, and life’s too short to keep valuable info locked away. So, whether you’re in Malaysia, Singapore, or anywhere else, watch this space. Free knowledge is coming your way.