Python Project for AI & Application Development

Eric Chuar has completed the Python Project for AI & Application Development for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from IBM.



6 Months

Python Project for AI _ Application Development

Python Project Skills Gained

Describe the steps and processes involved in creating a Python application including the application development lifecycle

Explain the features of Flask and deploy applications on the web using the Flask framework

Create Python modules, run unit tests, and package applications while ensuring the PEP8 coding best practices

Create and deploy an AI-based application onto a web server using IBM Watson AI Libraries and Flask

Course Perspective

Application Development Lifecycle: First up, we dived into the nitty-gritty of creating a Python application. Learning the application development lifecycle felt like learning the secret sauce to a good meal. You’ve got to have the right ingredients and follow the steps meticulously. And for someone who’s into digital marketing like me, building applications is like crafting the perfect campaign.

PEP8 and Unit Tests: Then we got into Python modules and unit tests. And let’s not forget PEP8, the style guide that keeps your code looking crisp. Think of it like the SEO of programming—keeping things neat and searchable.

Web Deployment with Flask: Next, Flask came into the picture. This framework is like the Swiss Army knife for Python developers. We learned how to deploy applications on the web, which is crazy useful in digital marketing for creating quick and functional project prototypes.

AI with IBM Watson: The cherry on top was working with IBM Watson AI Libraries. We created and deployed an AI-based application, and I’ve got to tell you, the possibilities here are endless. Whether it’s chatbots for customer service or data analytics for targeted marketing, AI is the future, and this course made it feel within reach.

So, what’s next? Sharing, obviously. I’ve always believed in sharing what I know. It’s not about hoarding skills or knowledge. I’ve been around the block—Malaysia, Singapore, you name it—and the one thing that never changes is the need to help each other out. Got a family, got a kid, and I’ve got a lot of years behind me. Time to make them count by helping as many people as I can. Whether it’s in digital marketing, programming, or any of my other passions, I’m all about spreading the knowledge. Keep an eye out; you might just learn something new.