Statistics and Machine Learning

Eric Chuar has successfully certified and completed the Johns Hopkins University Data Science: Statistics and Machine Learning Specialization Certificate in 23 weeks.

Johns Hopkins University


6 Months

Certified Data Science Statistics and Machine Learning Eric Chuar Professional Developer Singapore

Data Science Skills Gained

Perform regression analysis, least squares, and inference using regression models.

Build and apply prediction functions

Develop public data products

Machine Learning, Regression Analysis and Data Visualization (DataViz)

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up a course on Statistics and Machine Learning, and it’s been a turning point for me. With my background in digital marketing and programming, this course was the missing link. Now I can integrate stats and machine learning into my marketing game plan, making my campaigns sharper and more effective.

For a long time, I’ve been doing my own thing. My best friends? Usually my tech gadgets and a few close pals who’ve stuck by me. But this course showed me that good communication is key, especially in the marketing world. I’ve always liked sharing what I know, be it SEO, coding, or even hobbies like badminton and wine. Now, I can break down complex data in simple terms, making it easier to share my expertise.

Having lived in Malaysia and Singapore for years, I get what people here are looking for. It’s not just about cash; it’s about improving lives. The skills I picked up, like regression analysis and data visualization, will let me create public data products. My goal is to freely share this knowledge with more people. As the years add up, I want to pass on as much as I can. No time to waste chasing small change.

In summary, this course has been a great asset. It won’t just boost my digital marketing career; it’ll also help me give more to the communities I love. Here’s to never stopping the learning journey!