The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

Eric Chuar has completed the The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from Google.



6 Months

The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

Computer Networking Skills Gained

Learn about the TCP/IP and OSI networking models and how the network layers work together. The basics of networking devices such as cables, hubs and switches, routers, servers and clients. Explore the physical layer and data link layer of networking model in more detail. Know how all the different layers of the network model fit together to create a network.

Learn about the IP addressing scheme and how subnetting works. Explore how encapsulation works and how protocols such as ARP allow different layers of the network to communicate. Cover the basics of routing, routing protocols, and how the Internet works. Able to describe the IP addressing scheme, understand how subnetting works, perform binary math to describe subnets, and understand how the Internet works.

Able to describe TCP ports and sockets, identify the different components of a TCP header, show the difference between connection-oriented and connectionless protocols, and explain how TCP is used to ensure data integrity.

Explore networking services. Learn about why we need DNS and how it works. We’ll also show you why DHCP makes network administration a simpler task. Able to do describe how DNS and DHCP work, how NAT technologies help keep networks secure, and how VPNs and proxies help users connect and stay secured.

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up “The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking,” and I’ve gotta say, it was a dive deep into the ocean of networking. Given my quirky habits, I’d already fiddled with a lot of this stuff before the course started. Certificates? Nah, they’re just paper; what I wanted was the real deal.

TCP/IP and OSI Models: This course broke down the mystical layers of networking into easy-to-digest bits. We’re talking about everything from cables to servers, getting down into the nitty-gritty of the physical layer and data link layer. It’s not just theory; it’s how the puzzle pieces of a network actually fit together.

IP Addressing and Subnetting: If you ever wanted to become a pro at breaking down IP addresses and figuring out subnets, this course is a must. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about understanding how the Internet is stitched together.

TCP and Data Integrity: The course did a great job explaining TCP ports, headers, and how data integrity is maintained. Ever wondered about the difference between connection-oriented and connectionless protocols? Well, now I know.

DNS, DHCP, and More: Ah, the heroes behind the scenes. This course delved into why DNS and DHCP are essential, and how NAT technologies and VPNs keep things secure and connected.

So, what’s the game plan? Share the knowledge, of course. Whether you’re in the same boat as me with digital marketing and programming or you’re into something completely different, these networking fundamentals can open doors.

I’ve been in Malaysia and Singapore for years, and the plan is to keep giving back to these awesome communities. Why chase pennies when life’s so short? I’ve got a family and even a little one to think about. Helping others is the name of the game.

Ready to learn? I’m here to share. Let’s make the world a smarter place, one bit at a time.