The Strategy of Content Marketing

Eric Chuar has completed the The Strategy of Content Marketing for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of California, Davis.

University of California, Davis


6 Months

The Strategy of Content Marketing

Content Marketing Infrastructure Skills Gained

Able to define what content marketing is and explain why it is important in today’s market. Discover the purpose of what content should be able to do and what makes content effective. Discover the importance of how your own professional brand can play in the importance of company’s content marketing strategy and build your own professional brand.

Build a personal website to help build brand be able to discuss the editorial process for content and describe the benefits and importance of having a content calendar.

Be able to explain and apply the 7A Framework to own content. Able to think strategically by creating context which leads to creating content that actually works. Able to practice and discuss why being agile an essential part of the framework.

Craft a content marketing strategy by first examining the journey of buyer or audience. Able to create audience/buyer persona and describe the importance of always thinking about their journey.

Course Perspective

Just finished “The Strategy of Content Marketing” course, and let me tell you, this wasn’t just another course to tick off a list. For someone like me, who’s always in the trenches of digital marketing and programming, this was like a refresher and an upgrade rolled into one.

Understanding Content Marketing: First off, this course laid down the law on what content marketing really is. It’s not just throwing articles and videos into the digital void; it’s about understanding why we do it. What’s the end game? For me, it aligns perfectly with my love for clear, effective communication.

Personal Branding: The course took an interesting turn when it talked about personal branding. It’s not just the company’s brand that matters; your own professional brand plays a significant role too. I mean, I’ve been in Malaysia and Singapore for years and built a life here. My brand isn’t just about business; it’s about community, sharing knowledge, and yes, even some badminton coaching on the side.

Editorial Process and Content Calendar: Ever wonder why some content sticks and some just falls flat? The secret is in the planning. We dug into the editorial process and why having a content calendar is more than just being organized. It’s about making your content work for you, not the other way around.

The 7A Framework: This was the cherry on top. The 7A Framework isn’t just theory; it’s a practical guide to making content that works. Being agile isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Markets change, people change, and your content has to keep up.

Audience Journey: Last but not least, understanding the buyer or audience journey is key. If you don’t know where they’re coming from, how can you guide them to where you want them to go? This part was like learning to read a map in a foreign city, except the city is your market, and the map is your content strategy.

Look, I’ve got a family, a kid, and I’m not getting any younger. My main goal is to share what I know, especially in fields like digital marketing and programming. It’s not about making a quick buck; it’s about enriching lives, starting with my own community. So, who’s ready to up their content game? Let’s do this.