Think Outside the Inbox Email Marketing

Eric Chuar has completed the Think Outside the Inbox Email Marketing for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from Google.



6 Months

Think Outside the Inbox Email Marketing

Email Marketing Infrastructure Skills Gained

Understand how email marketing fits into a digital marketing strategy

Test, execute, and optimize an email marketing campaign

Write effective email copy, subject lines, and preview text

Measure and analyze email campaign results

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the “Think Outside the Inbox Email Marketing” course, and let’s just say it was a game-changer. Here’s the thing—I’ve always been hands-on with my learning, preferring to dive into the nitty-gritty details before even thinking about a certification. This course? It was right up my alley.

Email in Digital Marketing: First, we tackled how email marketing is more than just sending out newsletters. It’s a strategic element in the entire digital marketing landscape. For someone who lives and breathes digital marketing, this was a solid reminder that emails aren’t just a one-off thing you set and forget. They’re a vital piece of the larger puzzle.

Campaign Testing and Optimization: Okay, so you’ve got this great idea for an email. What next? The course went deep into testing and optimizing, which is something I’m always preaching about in my own work. From A/B testing to the nitty-gritty details of delivery times, it’s all about making each email better than the last.

Copywriting Skills: This part was fun. We got into the art and science of writing email copy that actually gets read. Subject lines, preview text, you name it. It’s not just about getting into the inbox; it’s about getting clicked, opened, and read.

Data Analysis: Lastly, what’s a campaign without data to show for it? We delved into the metrics that matter and how to interpret them. Open rates, click-through rates, conversion—these aren’t just buzzwords, they’re the benchmarks for success.

Living in Malaysia and Singapore for years, I’ve come to realize it’s not just about doing business. It’s about community, sharing, and giving back. I’ve got a family, a kid, and the clock is ticking. My goal? To share my expertise in digital marketing and programming with as many people as possible. And yes, that includes sharing the awesome stuff I’ve learned from this course. So, who’s ready to rethink their email strategy? I know I am.