Using Python to Interact with the Operating System

Eric Chuar has completed the Using Python to Interact with the Operating System for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from Google.



6 Months

Using Python to Interact with the Operating System

Python Skills Gained

Setup, configure, and use your own developer environment in Python

Understand and use regular expressions (regex), a powerful tool for processing text files

Manipulate files and processes running on the Operating System using Python

Know when to choose Bash or Python, and create small scripts using Bash

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the “Using Python to Interact with the Operating System” course, and I’ve got to say, it’s like I’ve been given a new set of tools in my digital toolbox. Yeah, I’m the kind of guy who likes to get my hands dirty before diving into any certification course. Paper certificates? Nah, that’s not where the real learning happens.

Dev Environment: Setting up my own developer environment in Python was the starting point. We’re talking about customizing a space where you can break and build stuff without causing any real-world chaos. For someone into digital marketing and programming, this is gold.

File and Process Manipulation: With Python, you’re basically given a Swiss Army knife for your OS. Need to move files around? Check. Want to see what processes are hogging resources? Double-check. It’s all hands-on, just the way I like it.

Regex Magic: Regular expressions are like the grammar rules of text files. Understanding them is like cracking a code that lets you sift through mountains of text with ease. Whether it’s data for my digital campaigns or code for a new program, regex is a game changer.

Bash or Python: Knowing when to use Python or when to fall back to Bash for small scripts is like knowing when to use a hammer and when you need a screwdriver. They both have their merits, and learning to pick the right tool for the right job is an art in itself.

Living in Malaysia and Singapore, I’ve realized that true value isn’t just about what you earn but what you give back. And I’m not one to hoard knowledge. Whether it’s in digital marketing, programming, or life in general, sharing is caring. I’ve got a family to look after and a lifetime’s worth of wisdom to share. Time’s ticking, and there’s a whole lot more learning and sharing to do. So, let’s make every moment count, shall we?