Content Marketing

Eric Chuar has successfully completed Content Marketing for Personal & Professional Productivity Course Certificate from the HubSpot Academy.

HubSpot Academy


6 Months

Content Marketing

Content Marketing Skills Gained

Be able to define what content marketing is and explain why it is important in today’s market.

Be able to think strategically by creating context which leads to creating content that actually works

Be able to create your audience/buyer persona and describe the importance of always thinking about their journey.

Be able to identify and define the four types of strategic content: attraction content, affinity content, action content, and authority content.

Course Perspective

Just stepped out of the Content Marketing course, and I feel like I’ve just found a hidden map in a treasure hunt game. Now, if you know me, you’d know I always like to get hands-on with any subject long before I consider some formal course. Why? Because certificates are just glossy paper. They might impress some, but if you’re a true pro in IT or digital marketing, you know it’s your skills that count.

So, digital marketing and programming are my jam, but this Content Marketing course? A total game-changer. It’s one of those things that’s super specialized, and not everyone gets it, which makes it all the more intriguing for me.

First off, the course broke down what content marketing really is and why it’s crucial in today’s digital landscape. It’s not just about pushing content; it’s about creating value. And that’s gold, especially when you’re navigating markets like Malaysia and Singapore, which I love dearly.

The big takeaway? Thinking strategically. The course taught me how to create context that actually leads to meaningful, effective content. It’s like being a chess player but for content creation—you’ve got to think several moves ahead.

Then there’s the whole concept of creating your audience or buyer persona. Knowing who you’re talking to and what their journey looks like is vital. It’s like having a GPS for your content strategy.

And let’s not forget the four types of strategic content: attraction, affinity, action, and authority. Each serves a different purpose, and knowing when and how to use them is like having the right tool for the job.

So why does this all matter? Because I’ve always been about sharing what I know. Whether it’s digital marketing, programming, or even my interests like badminton and red wine, my main aim is to give back. Life’s too short to be all about business, especially when you’ve got a family and a cute kid to think about.

So, what’s the next step? I’m rolling up my sleeves and diving into real-world projects, armed with this newfound knowledge. I’m not just looking to make a quick buck; I want to make a meaningful impact. And thanks to this course, I’ve got a brand-new toolkit to do exactly that.