Digital Advertising

Eric Chuar has completed the Digital Advertising for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from HubSpot Academy.

HubSpot Academy


6 Months

Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising Skills Gained

Gain skills to create effective digital advertising campaigns that convert at different stages of the buyer’s journey

Learn advertising best practices and strategies across multiple platforms

Evaluate the performance and success of your digital ad campaigns

Decision-makers aiming to reevaluate or build an inbound-focused advertising strategy

Course Perspective

Just finished the Digital Advertising course, and what a journey it’s been. I usually dive into the subject matter before taking a formal course, but this one fit perfectly with my self-taught background and my skills in digital marketing and programming.

The course got right into crafting effective digital ad campaigns, focusing on reaching potential customers at different stages of their buying journey. I’ve always had a good read on what people need, so this felt like home turf for me.

But it didn’t end with just strategy. We dove into the nitty-gritty of advertising across various platforms—social media, search engines, email—you name it. We learned the ins and outs of making our ads stand out.

Of course, a campaign’s worth is in its results. Metrics in this course weren’t just seen as numbers; they were stories that show what’s working and what isn’t. Learning to interpret these stories felt like picking up a new language, and I can’t wait to become fluent.

What I loved was the course’s focus on the big picture, helping decision-makers craft inbound-focused advertising strategies. Given my interest in the broader aspects of business development, this was a great addition.

I’ve spent years in Malaysia and Singapore and feel a strong connection to these places. As time goes by, my desire to give back keeps growing. I’m all about sharing what I know, whether it’s digital marketing, programming, or even casual life advice over a glass of wine.

With a family and a kid who looks up to me, setting the example of a lifelong learner who shares his knowledge feels like the right move. So, I’m fully committed to using these new skills to help others. After all, life’s too short to just hoard knowledge and not put it to good use.