Essentials of Entrepreneurship Thinking & Action

Eric Chuar has completed the Essentials of Entrepreneurship Thinking & Action for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of California, Irvine.

University of California, Irvine


6 Months

Essentials of Entrepreneurship Thinking _ Action

Thinking & Action Skills Gained

Describe the entrepreneurial process and how to manage it

Apply entrepreneurial approaches, concepts, and methods

Recognize opportunities to develop new business ideas

Understand operational challenges involved with creating new business ventures

Course Perspective

Just finished the Essentials of Entrepreneurship Thinking & Action course and, let me tell you, it’s been a ride. Now, I’m not new to the whole learning thing. Before I even set foot in a classroom, I’ve usually got my hands dirty with the subject. I dig deep, get familiar, and by the time the course rolls around, I feel like I already know half of what’s coming. But this course? It still had a bunch of surprises for me.

First off, the entrepreneurial process isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a roadmap. From idea to execution, each step has its challenges and thrills. I’ve always been the DIY type, especially in my digital marketing and programming work. But this course laid it all out, breaking down the stages of entrepreneurship into bite-sized, digestible pieces.

Then comes the entrepreneurial approaches, concepts, and methods. Sure, I’ve had my own way of doing things, but the course introduced strategies I hadn’t even thought of. It’s like finding out you’ve been holding the steering wheel wrong your whole life. It was an ‘aha’ moment, especially thinking about how these methods could also apply to my main hustle in digital marketing.

One of the most exciting parts was learning how to spot new business ideas. Living in Malaysia and Singapore has given me a unique perspective on what people need, and now I have the tools to turn those observations into actionable business ideas. I’m not just looking to make a quick buck. I’ve got a family, and I want to make the world a little better for them and everyone else. This is the kind of knowledge that can help me do that.

And let’s not forget about the operational challenges. Starting a business isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. There are logistics to consider, hoops to jump through, and fires to put out. But now I’ve got a framework to navigate all of that.

So, what’s the takeaway? I want to share this newfound knowledge. I’m not in it just for me. I want to give back, especially in the fields I’m most passionate about. The course has been a goldmine, and I’m eager to share these nuggets with anyone willing to listen. Time’s ticking, and I’ve got a lot of sharing to do. Let’s get to it.