Exploratory Data Analysis

Eric Chuar has completed the Exploratory Data Analysis for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from Johns Hopkins University.

Johns Hopkins University


6 Months

Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis Skills Gained

Understand analytic graphics and the base plotting system in R

Make graphical displays of very high dimensional data

Use advanced graphing systems such as the Lattice system

Apply cluster analysis techniques to locate patterns in data

Course Perspective

Just finished the Exploratory Data Analysis course, and wow, was it a ride. Sure, I’m the guy who likes to get his hands dirty before hitting the classroom, but this course brought new stuff to the table that even I hadn’t messed around with. And trust me, it’s not easy to teach an old dog new tricks, especially one who’s been around the digital marketing and programming block.

The course wasn’t just about number-crunching; it was like learning a new language. The base plotting system in R? That’s basically the grammar. Then you’ve got your advanced stuff like the Lattice system—that’s your high-level vocab. The part about making graphical displays of very high dimensional data? That’s like learning idioms and expressions. It’s not just what you say, but how you say it that can make all the difference in data analysis.

Cluster analysis was the cherry on top. Finding patterns in data is one thing, but getting a machine to do it for you? That’s where the real fun begins. I’m talking about the kind of patterns that aren’t obvious, the kind that can give you that edge in understanding consumer behavior or market trends. This isn’t just techy stuff; it’s the kind of knowledge that can make or break a marketing strategy.

And you know what? I can’t wait to share all this. Whether it’s helping people get ahead in digital marketing or just sharing knowledge for the sake of it, that’s what gets me going. I’ve been in Malaysia and Singapore long enough to know that people here are hungry for knowledge, and not just the kind you pay for.

Time’s ticking, and I’ve got a lot more to learn and share. With a family and a kid to think about, there’s no room for wasting time. This course? Definitely not a waste. It’s one more tool in the toolkit, and I’m all about using what I’ve got to make things better for everyone around me. So here’s to digging deeper into the data and pulling out insights that can change the game.