Google SEO Fundamentals

Eric Chuar has completed the Google SEO Fundamentals for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of California, Davis.

University of California, Davis


6 Months

Google SEO Fundamentals

Google SEO Skills Gained

Complete a competitive analysis on a webpage

Create sitemaps and robot.txt files, plan redirects, and manage site errors

Interpret brand recognition through social media

Use a variety of SEO tools to conduct an audience analysis and develop personas of your ideal buyer

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the Google SEO Fundamentals course, and I’ve got to say, it was a ride. Now, you might know this about me: I’m the guy who dives headfirst into the pool before checking if there’s water. I like to get my hands dirty with the material before I even think about a certification. Honestly, I’ve always felt that certs are more for show than for pros in the field like me. But hey, they make the layman feel like they’re dealing with someone legit, so why not?

I’ve been doing the digital marketing and programming thing for a while now, and this course? It’s next-level stuff. The kind of insights I gained is not something the average Joe would get. And that’s what makes it so awesome for me. I’m always eager to share my knowledge with anyone who’s interested, whether it’s about this course, digital marketing, or even random things like badminton or red wine. That’s just how I roll.

I’ve been living in Malaysia and Singapore for years, and I’ve fallen in love with these places. My aim isn’t just to make bank but to help people understand the digital world better. As I get older, and especially now that I’ve got a family and a super cute kid, this mission feels even more important.

So, what did the course cover?

  1. Technical Bits of Google SEO: This is where you learn how to speak Google’s language. What makes a website rank, how do algorithms work, that sort of thing. If you don’t get this right, you’re basically shooting in the dark.
  2. Competitive Analysis on a Webpage: We learned how to spy on the competition, but in a cool, James Bond way. Understanding what they’re up to can help you make smarter moves.
  3. Brand Recognition Through Social Media: Social media’s not just for memes and food pics; it’s a powerful tool for making your brand stand out. We learned how to decode brand signals through social platforms.
  4. Sitemaps, Robot.txt Files, and All That Jazz: This stuff is like the backstage crew at a concert. You don’t see them, but without them, the show can’t go on. Learning how to manage these elements is crucial for any website.
  5. Audience Analysis and Buyer Personas: The course gave us a bunch of tools to figure out who’s actually interested in what we’re selling. Knowing your audience is half the battle won.

So yeah, the Google SEO Fundamentals course was solid. I plan to use what I’ve learned to help as many people as I can, especially in fields I’m passionate about. Life’s too short to hoard knowledge, you know?