
Eric Chuar has completed the Inbound for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from HubSpot Academy.

HubSpot Academy


6 Months


Inbound Skills Gained

Implement a customer-centered inbound strategy for business growth and trust

Use the flywheel model to accelerate your company’s growth

Understand your ideal customer with a buyer persona to create great content and increase organic traffic .

Marketing and sales teams looking to align behind a shared goal and create a buyer persona for their ideal customer

Course Perspective

Just closed the chapter on the Inbound course, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer. I’ve always been the kind of person to get hands-on experience before even considering a course. Certificates are cool, but they’re really just for show. If you’re serious about digital marketing and programming, you know it’s your skills that make you stand out, not a piece of paper.

This course grabbed my attention because it goes beyond the surface. It dives into the nitty-gritty that most people just don’t get. And that makes it super valuable to me because I love sharing what I learn.

I’ve been in Malaysia and Singapore for years, and it’s not just about making money for me. I love these places and the people here. I want to share knowledge and help out wherever I can. Now that I have a family and an adorable kid, that mission feels even more urgent.

So, what was in the course?

  1. Customer-Centered Strategy: This part was about shifting the focus from just selling stuff to actually building trust with your audience. It’s all about long-term relationships and business growth.
  2. Flywheel Model: This was a new concept for me, but it’s brilliant. It’s like a self-sustaining machine that keeps your business growing, pulling in new customers while keeping the old ones happy.
  3. Understanding the Ideal Customer: This was about building a buyer persona. Knowing exactly who you’re targeting helps you create content that draws people in naturally, increasing organic traffic.
  4. Aligning Marketing and Sales: The course wrapped up by showing how marketing and sales teams can work together toward a common goal. When everyone’s on the same page, you just get better results.

All in all, the Inbound course was a treasure chest of practical, actionable insights. I can’t wait to put all this new knowledge to work in my digital marketing career. And you better believe I’m going to share what I’ve learned. Because what’s the point of gaining knowledge if you’re not going to spread it around, right?