Inbound Sales

Eric Chuar has completed the Inbound Sales for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from HubSpot Academy.

HubSpot Academy


6 Months

Inbound Sales

Inbound Sales Skills Gained

Discover how inbound sales can transform your approach to different buying behaviors

Identify and target the right buyers

Learn how to drive effective conversations that guide prospects and lead to more deals

Improve sales presentations and close more deals

Course Perspective

Just finished the Inbound Sales course, and man, it was a blast! If you know anything about me, you know I like to get my hands dirty before I even think about joining a course. Certificates are cool and all, but the real value is in the skills you gain, not the paper you hang on the wall. That’s something anyone who’s serious about digital marketing and programming understands.

So why did I join this course? Well, it’s pretty specialized, diving into areas that not many people understand. That’s like a magnet for me. Plus, it’s all stuff I can share with others, which is basically my life’s mission at this point.

I’ve been in Malaysia and Singapore for years, and I’ve got a soft spot for these places. It’s not just about making money for me; I want to give back, share knowledge, and help people out. Now that I’ve got a family and a kid who’s as cute as a button, this mission feels even more urgent.

So, what’s the course all about?

  1. Transforming Sales Approach: The first part was about understanding how inbound sales can completely change the way you interact with different types of buyers. It’s not a one-size-fits-all game, and the course really hammers that home.
  2. Identifying the Right Buyers: This was about using data and insights to target the people who are most likely to be interested in what you’re selling. Sounds simple, but there’s a real art to it.
  3. Driving Effective Conversations: This was perhaps my favorite part. It’s not just about talking to potential customers; it’s about guiding the conversation in a way that leads to more deals. It’s like being a conversational architect.
  4. Improving Sales Presentations: The course wrapped up with a deep dive into making your sales presentations not just good, but killer. And that, as you can imagine, leads to closing more deals.

All in all, the Inbound Sales course was a treasure trove of useful stuff. I can’t wait to apply these insights in my digital marketing career and, of course, share them with anyone who’s interested. Life’s too short to hoard knowledge, you know?