Full Stack Cloud Development Capstone Project

Eric Chuar has completed the Full Stack Cloud Development Capstone Project for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from National IBM.



6 Months

Full Stack Cloud Development Capstone Project

Cloud Development Skills Gained

Combine and apply your JavaScript, React.js, Python, Node.js, and Express skills by completing a real-world project.

Deploy your Django full stack web application on the cloud using containers and serverless.

Build a real-world web application using front end and back-end technology.

Practice DevOps principles by employing CI/CD pipelines.

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the Full Stack Cloud Development Capstone Project, and let me tell you, it was a whirlwind. Now, I’m no stranger to digital marketing and programming, but this course made me see things from a fresh perspective. I’ve always been hands-on with my learning—practically a habit of mine—so jumping into a course that’s all about applying skills in a real-world project was right up my alley.

This capstone was the full package, no kidding. It was all about taking everything you know in JavaScript, React.js, Python, Node.js, and Express and throwing it into a pot to cook up something functional and, dare I say, impressive. We didn’t just learn; we applied. We built a real-world web application, front end to back end. And that’s the kind of stuff you can’t just read about; you’ve got to do it to get it.

But wait, there’s more. We got to deploy our web application on the cloud using containers and even dabbled in serverless technology. Yeah, the future is now, and this course got me thinking about how to take my projects to the next level.

The cherry on top was the focus on DevOps principles. We got hands-on experience setting up CI/CD pipelines, which, if you ask me, is a crucial skill for anyone serious about cloud development. It’s not just about building; it’s about building efficiently and sustainably.

Look, I’m not just in this for me. I’ve got my community in Malaysia and Singapore in mind. I’ve got years of experience under my belt, a family that depends on me, and an ever-growing itch to give back. And the best way to give back? Sharing what you know. So you can bet I’ll be passing on everything I picked up in this course.

Bottom line: this course was more than just another checkmark on my list of credentials. It was a boost, a big one, and I can’t wait to put everything I’ve learned into action.