Foundations Data, Data Everywhere

Eric Chuar has completed the Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from Google.



6 Months

Foundations Data Data Everywhere

Data Skills Gained

Define and explain key concepts involved in data analytics including data, data analysis, and data ecosystem

Discuss the role of spreadsheets, query languages, and data visualization tools in data analytics

Conduct an analytical thinking self assessment giving specific examples of the application of analytical thinking

Describe the role of a data analyst with specific reference to jobs/positions

Course Perspective

Just stepped out of the “Foundations Data, Data Everywhere” course, and man, was it a ride. Being someone who prefers to get my hands dirty with real-world projects before sitting in a classroom, I came in a bit skeptical. Certificates? Pfft. I’ve always believed they’re just shiny objects people chase. But the course? It was a different beast altogether.

Data’s everywhere, right? But understanding data, that’s a different story. The course broke down data analytics into digestible chunks. We talked about what data really is, how to analyze it, and how it fits into a larger ecosystem. It’s not just numbers or text; it’s information that can tell you a lot about your business, your customers, and even yourself.

Speaking of self, the analytical thinking self-assessment was a gem. It was like holding up a mirror to my thought processes. How do I approach a problem? How do I sift through tons of information? This self-reflection was an unexpected but valuable part of the course.

Now, if you’re not talking spreadsheets and query languages in the context of data analytics, are you even serious? These tools are like the hammer and nails of the data world. And data visualization? That’s the house you build with those tools. It gives form and function to the raw materials you’ve collected and refined.

As for the role of a data analyst, well, let’s just say it’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of job. Depending on where you land, you could be doing anything from number-crunching to creating complex data models. It’s versatile, and hey, it got me thinking about how these skills can be applied to my main gigs in digital marketing and programming.

So, what’s next? Sharing, obviously. Whether it’s in my home base of Malaysia and Singapore or online, I’m keen on passing on what I’ve learned. There’s no point in keeping knowledge locked up, especially when life’s ticking away and you’ve got mouths to feed at home.

In short, the course was an eye-opener. It’s armed me with a new set of skills, not just for my career, but also for the knowledge-sharing journey I’m on. Time well spent, if you ask me.