Leading People and Teams

Eric Chuar has successfully certified and completed the University of Michigan Leading People and Teams Specialization Certificate in 18 weeks.

University of Michigan


5 Months

Certified Leading People and Teams by Eric Chuar Professional Leader in Singapore

Leading People and Teams Skills Gained

Create and communicate your vision as a leader

Use the Michigan Model of Leadership to define organizational goals

Manage talent to improve employee performance, development, and retention

Create a high-quality team charter that enhances team performance

Course Perspective

Just came out of the Leading People and Teams course, and let me tell you, it was a wake-up call in the best way possible. My world has always revolved around digital marketing and programming. I’m used to flying solo most of the time, but at work, my team is my tribe. They’re the folks I interact with the most, and this course was a game-changer in how I approach team dynamics.

I’ve never been the type to hoard knowledge. Whether it’s digital marketing insights or tips on badminton coaching, I’m all about sharing the wealth. This course gave me the tools to communicate even more effectively, not just as a teammate but as a leader. Now I can articulate my vision in a way that resonates with everyone.

Living in Malaysia and Singapore has offered me a unique perspective on what really matters to people. It’s not just about the paycheck at the end of the month; it’s about improving lives. The course showed me how to align organizational goals with what people truly need and want. That’s a win in my book.

Time management and talent management were huge takeaways for me. As I get older, I don’t just want to climb the corporate ladder; I want to bring others along for the ride. This course taught me how to identify and nurture talent within my team, ensuring not just their professional growth but also their personal development.

But one of the coolest parts? Learning how to create a kick-butt team charter. That’s basically the roadmap for a high-performing team, and I can’t wait to implement it.

So, here’s the deal. Life’s too short to focus solely on financial gains. The skills I picked up aren’t just for my benefit; they’re for everyone I interact with, whether in my career or in my life outside of work. And that’s the kind of ripple effect I’m eager to start.