Practical Machine Learning

Eric Chuar has completed the Practical Machine Learning for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from Johns Hopkins University.

Johns Hopkins University


6 Months

Practical Machine Learning

Practical Machine Learning Skills Gained

Use the basic components of building and applying prediction functions

Describe machine learning methods such as regression or classification trees

Understand concepts such as training and tests sets, overfitting, and error rates

Explain the complete process of building prediction functions

Course Perspective

Just finished the course on “Practical Machine Learning,” and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. Now, I’ve always been the hands-on type, diving into subjects before even stepping foot into a formal course. Certificates are cool and all, but to me, they’re more for show than for actual learning. I’m already well-versed in digital marketing and programming, so this course was like adding another tool to my toolbox.

Prediction Functions: The course starts with the basics but quickly dives into how to build and apply prediction functions. It’s not just theory; you actually get to apply it, which is the part I love the most.

Training and Test Sets: Ah, the bread and butter of machine learning. Figuring out how to split your data into training and test sets isn’t just routine; it’s crucial. Get this part wrong, and you’re setting yourself up for failure, especially when it comes to overfitting and error rates.

Regression and Classification Trees: We went into the nitty-gritty of different machine learning methods. I was already familiar with these terms, but the course gave me a deeper understanding. It’s one thing to know the what and another to know the why and how.

Building Prediction Functions: The course brought everything full circle by teaching the complete process of building prediction functions. It felt like going from learning how to put Lego pieces together to building an entire Lego castle.

For me, this course was more than just another certificate to hang on the wall. It’s knowledge I can apply directly to my work, especially in digital marketing. But what’s the point of hoarding knowledge? I love sharing what I know, especially here in Malaysia and Singapore, where I’ve spent many meaningful years.

Life’s too short to keep knowledge to yourself. I’ve got a family and a kid who’s growing up fast. The more people I can help, especially in areas like digital marketing and programming, the better. So, keep an eye out. I’ve got loads more to share!