Python Project for Data Science

Eric Chuar has completed the Python Project for Data Science for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from IBM.



6 Months

Python Project for Data Science

Python Project Skills Gained

Play the role of a Data Scientist / Data Analyst working on a real project.

Apply Python fundamentals, Python data structures, and working with data in Python.

Demonstrate your Skills in Python – the language of choice for Data Science and Data Analysis.

Build a dashboard using Python and libraries like Pandas, Beautiful Soup and Plotly using Jupyter notebook.

Course Perspective

Just finished up the “Python Project for Data Science” course and, man, what a journey. Forget about certificates; the real learning is in getting your hands dirty, and this course nailed that part.

Role-playing as a Data Scientist: First off, the course had us role-playing as Data Scientists and Data Analysts on real projects. That’s right up my alley, given my background in digital marketing and programming. I mean, understanding your customer is the essence of marketing, and data science is the key to unlocking that understanding.

Python Fundamentals and Data Structures: We went deep into Python basics—variables, lists, dictionaries, you name it. These building blocks are like the ABCs of coding. Knowing them is essential, especially when you’re diving into data-heavy projects.

Data Manipulation: And speaking of data, we learned how to manipulate it in Python. That’s basically the bread and butter for anyone in data science. You’ve got to know how to clean data, filter it, and make sense of it, and Python makes all of that super manageable.

Dashboard Building: The final act was building a dashboard using Python, along with a bunch of cool libraries like Pandas, Beautiful Soup, and Plotly. We used Jupyter notebooks for all of it. Building a dashboard is like creating a control room where you can see all your data metrics in one place. Think of it as a mission control for a digital marketing campaign.

So, what’s next for me? Sharing, of course. I’ve been around—lived in Malaysia and Singapore—and I know life’s too short to keep knowledge locked up. I’ve got a family, I’m getting older, and my focus now is to share what I’ve learned. Whether it’s digital marketing, programming, or even badminton coaching, my aim is to pass it on. So keep your ears open, because I’m all about spreading the knowledge.