Sales Enablement

Eric Chuar has completed the Sales Enablement for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from HubSpot Academy.

HubSpot Academy


6 Months

Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement Skills Gained

Develop unified goals and a lead qualification framework to satisfy both marketing and sales teams’ expectations

Implement service-level agreements and run effective meeti

Strategically build a tech stack to support sales enablement goals

Aligning marketing and sales efforts through sales enablement

Course Perspective

Just finished the Sales Enablement course, and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer. As someone who’s always tinkered around before jumping into a course, I had some preconceived notions. But this course? It shattered them all.

Unified Goals and Lead Qualification: First off, we tackled how to get marketing and sales teams on the same page. You might think they’re already aligned, but there’s always room for improvement. We dived into creating unified goals and setting up a lead qualification framework. It’s all about making sure everyone knows what a ‘good lead’ looks like. This is super useful when you’re planning a digital marketing campaign and want to ensure it serves the sales team as well.

Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) and Meetings: Next up was SLAs. These are basically promises between departments. Keeps everyone accountable and sets the ground rules. And let’s not forget about effective meetings. Because who wants to sit in a room and get nothing done?

Tech Stack Strategy: This was the part that really caught my attention. Building a tech stack isn’t just about grabbing the latest tools; it’s about choosing the ones that support your sales enablement goals. Being in programming, this was right up my alley.

Marketing and Sales Alignment: This was the crux of it all—getting your marketing and sales so tightly knit that they practically finish each other’s sentences. It’s not just good for business; it’s essential.

The whole experience got me thinking differently about how sales fit into the big picture, especially with my background in digital marketing. So, you can bet I’m not keeping this newfound knowledge to myself. I’m all about sharing the love, be it in digital marketing, programming, or even badminton tips. Because at the end of the day, life’s too short to hoard knowledge, especially when you’ve got a family to think about. So, watch this space, because I’ve got a ton of insights to share.