Sales Management

Eric Chuar has completed the Sales Management for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from HubSpot Academy.

HubSpot Academy


6 Months

Sales Management

Sales Management Skills Gained

Define a scalable sales process and communicate it effectively

Develop a sales recruiting strategy to attract top talent

Build effective training, coaching, and onboarding programs to support your sales team’s continuous growth

How to developing sales management skills to move up the ladder.

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the Sales Management course, and wow, what an experience. I always like to get my hands dirty before diving into any course, but this one still had a lot to offer.

Scalable Sales Process: One of the first things we covered was defining a sales process that can grow with your business. You’ve got to have a solid plan, right? It’s not just about getting customers; it’s about getting them in a way that’s scalable. This is huge for me, especially because it ties back to my core skills in digital marketing and programming.

Recruiting Strategy: Next, we got into how to attract the right people. As someone who’s been around the block in both Malaysia and Singapore, I know firsthand that talent can make or break your sales. With the right strategy, you don’t just fill seats; you fill them with people who can actually sell.

Training and Coaching: This part was all about ongoing growth. You can’t just hire people and leave them to their own devices. You’ve got to offer continuous training and coaching. So, whether it’s a newbie or a veteran, everyone’s always learning.

Climbing the Ladder: Last but not least, we touched on how to grow in your sales management career. Sure, being a good sales manager is important, but what about the next step? How do you climb that ladder? This was especially interesting to me as I’m always looking for ways to grow, not just in my main field but in life in general.

I walked away from this course with so much more than just a certificate. I gained insights that I can apply not only to my work but also to my everyday life. And you can bet I’m going to share all of this knowledge. Whether it’s digital marketing, programming, or even just some life advice, I believe in spreading the wealth. I’ve got a family, and life’s too short to keep all this goodness to myself. So, if you’re around and want to chat about sales, digital marketing, or anything else, hit me up!