The Strategist’s Challenge

Eric Chuar has completed the The Strategist’s Challenge for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of Virginia Darden School Foundation.

University of Virginia Darden School Foundation


6 Months

The Strategist_s Challenge

Strategist’s Challenge Skills Gained

Develop your ability to think strategically, analyze the competitive environment, and recommend firm positioning and value creation

Business strategy and why it’s important to an organization’s competitive positioning. Learn about the strategic analysis and the SWOT, competitor, and environmental analysis tools and then have an opportunity to apply two of these tools in the Google case study.

How to assess an industry’s structure and how the competitive dynamics in an industry affect profitability. We’ll go into depth with the five forces tool, a common and highly influential analytical framework that helps you understand key factors that shape the nature of competition in a specific industry environment.

Tangible and intangible assets that form an organization’s strength. How to complete a capabilities analysis and how to use this analysis to guide decision making. Apply this tool in the Apple case study to clarify the major activities, skills, and resources that drive value to Apple’s customers

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up “The Strategist’s Challenge” course, and let me tell you, it was eye-opening. You know my style; I like to dive in, get my hands dirty, and really understand what I’m getting into before even stepping foot into a classroom, virtual or otherwise. Certificates? They’re just paper. It’s the skills that matter, and this course had them in spades.

Strategic Thinking: Right off the bat, the course dove into the heart of strategic thinking. How do you analyze a competitive environment? Where should a firm position itself? These aren’t just textbook questions; they’re real challenges you face in business every day.

Analytical Tools: We got down to the nitty-gritty with SWOT, competitor, and environmental analysis. Even got to apply these tools in a Google case study. It’s like they handed me a toolbox and said, “Here, let’s build something epic.”

Industry Structure: Ever heard of the five forces tool? Well, you should. It’s like a roadmap that tells you how an industry is shaped, how competitive it is, and where the money’s at. This part wasn’t just academic; it felt like a real-world playbook.

Assets and Capabilities: Last but definitely not least, we looked at what actually makes an organization strong. Is it just money and resources? Nope. We dug deep into capabilities analysis and even applied it to an Apple case study. That was like getting a behind-the-scenes tour of how Apple stays ahead of the game.

Look, I’m all about sharing knowledge. I’m not doing this just to pad my resume or bank account. I’ve been in the digital marketing and programming scene for years, especially in Malaysia and Singapore, and I’m here to share what I know. Life’s too short to hoard knowledge, especially when I’ve got a family and a little one who looks up to me.

So, who’s up for some real talk on strategy? Let’s cut through the jargon and get down to what really matters. You in?