Wine Tasting Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis

Eric Chuar has completed the Wine Tasting Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of California, Davis.

University of California, Davis


6 Months

Wine Tasting Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis

Wine Tasting Skills Gained

Flavor profiles of classic New World and Old World wines. Identify and describe flavor groups of wine and discuss sensory physiology including the visual, olfactory, textural, and taste aspects of various wines. Analyze how climate can affect the grape and wine flavor expression, and the concept of “terroir”. Create a set of basic taste standards for practicing blind tasting.

Compare and contrast the flavor profiles of eight classic red varietals and eight classic white varietals. Growing requirements for each varietal as well as their cultural and historic background and growing locations. Write a descriptive analysis of the aroma attributes you identify in a particular wine.Create flavor standards to develop sensory vocabulary.

Philosophy behind what actually constitutes a fault in wine. Identify the most often-encountered faults and explain how to recognize them as well as determine what caused them. Examine the Old World and New World sensibilities toward some of these faults, and discuss how some so-called faults may really be attributes that contribute to a wine’s complexity. Differentiate between a fault and a defect and examine the range of classic faults and their origins. Learn techniques for spotting problems and create wine defect sniff standards to practice fault recognition.

The often perplexing question of how to pair wine with food, and the physical, structural, textural, and aromatic aspects of both the “wine side” and the “food side” of the equation. Improve ability to make flavorful choices and determine the structure and “weight” of a wine. Predict a good food match, we’ll talk about the process of flavor profiling and how to decide whether to change a wine or food to make a pair work. “seven deadly sins” of wine and food pairing, and develop a personal wine and food scoring system.

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up this course on “Wine Tasting Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis,” and wow, was it an experience! You know me—I like to get my hands dirty before diving into any formal learning. Certificates are just paper; the real deal is in the knowledge and the skills.

Flavor Profiles & Sensory Physiology: This was mind-blowing! Learning about the different flavors of New World and Old World wines made me realize how little I knew about what I was sipping all these years. From visual cues to olfactory hints, and even the texture and taste—each element contributes to the wine experience. The concept of “terroir” was fascinating; how a grape’s environment can impact its flavor. This is storytelling at its finest, and I can’t wait to apply it to digital marketing, which is all about storytelling too, right?

Classic Varietals: Now I can actually tell the difference between, let’s say, a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Pinot Noir. Plus, knowing the growing requirements and historical backgrounds gives me a whole new level of appreciation. This kind of nuanced understanding is just what’s needed in marketing as well.

Faults in Wine: I found the philosophy behind what constitutes a “fault” in wine to be eye-opening. Some might say it’s similar to understanding customer pain points in digital marketing. What some may see as a fault, others might find it adds complexity and character. The skill to differentiate between faults and mere defects? Priceless.

Wine & Food Pairing: Ah, the age-old question: what wine goes with what food? Understanding the intricacies of pairing opened a new world for me. It’s like finding the perfect audience for a marketing campaign. We even discussed the “seven deadly sins” of wine and food pairing, which was a fun way to remember what not to do.

Living in Malaysia and Singapore has taught me that community and sharing knowledge are what life’s all about. I’ve got a family and a kid, and time isn’t slowing down. So, why not share the wealth of knowledge I have, especially in digital marketing, programming, and now, wine tasting? Let’s lift each other up, one glass at a time. Cheers! 🍷