Leading People and Teams Capstone

Eric Chuar has completed the Leading People and Teams Capstone for Personal & Professional Productivity and received a certificate from University of Michigan.

University of Michigan


6 Months

Leading People and Teams Capstone

Leading People Skills Gained

Use content from the specialization to demonstrate your knowledge of key leadership skills.

Prepare for future job and promotion interviews by showcasing your leadership skills and experience.

Understand how you would approach a variety of leadership challenges at work, given your knowledge, expertise, and prior work experience.

Video vs. Written Leading People and Teams Capstone

Course Perspective

Just wrapped up the Leading People and Teams Capstone course, and let me tell you, it’s a different ball game from what I usually do. I’m more into the nitty-gritty of digital marketing and coding, but this course? A game-changer.

Key Leadership Skills: The first thing we dived into was key leadership skills. And no, they didn’t just throw buzzwords at us. We got into the real, applicable stuff. Think about conflict resolution, motivation techniques, and even the psychology behind leadership.

Prepping for Interviews: Another cool thing was how the course preps you for future job or promotion interviews. They got me thinking about how to present my leadership journey in a way that not only highlights my skills but also makes me an obvious choice for any team looking for a leader.

Leadership Challenges: This was my favorite part. They threw different workplace scenarios at us and asked us to solve them using our knowledge and prior experience. It was like a leadership boot camp, without the mud and yelling.

Video vs Written: Now, we had options to showcase what we’ve learned either through video presentations or written reports. I went for the video because, hey, show, don’t tell, right?

Why did I opt for this course? It’s simple. Being good at what you do is one thing, but leading a team? That’s an entirely different skill set. And given my knack for sharing knowledge freely—especially in the Malaysia and Singapore scene—I figured learning how to lead people effectively could only help me do that better.

Oh, and did I mention I have a family? Being a dad and having a team at work aren’t the same, but leadership is leadership. If I can guide a team of professionals, navigating the maze that is parenthood should be a cakewalk. Okay, maybe not a cakewalk, but you get what I mean.

In short, I learned a lot, and I’m keen to apply these leadership skills in every part of my life. Be it in my digital marketing career, during a heated badminton game, or just life in general—these leadership skills are going to come in handy.